Most reported substance use among adolescents held steady in 2022 National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA

It can affect future opportunities like acceptance into higher education or career opportunities in adulthood. Other data support the concern for drug-involved youth in the juvenile justice system. The Survey of Youth in Custody, found that more than 39 percent of youth under age 18 were under the influence of drugs at the time of their current offense. Untreated mental health disorders can also increase the chances of someone becoming addicted to drugs. Mostly, depression and anxiety in the teen years are to blame for this risk factor.


Many teen drug abuse who suffer from mental health challenges like depression or anxiety also turn to substances in a misguided attempt at self-medication. Outpatient drug rehabilitation treatment programs often include group and individual therapy, or the two combined. Some teens may require an inpatient drug rehab and/or a complete drug addiction detox.

Publications and Resources

Teens who consistently learn about the risks of drugs from their parents are up to 50% less likely to use drugs than those who don’t. 31% of 12th graders have not used any substances in their lifetime. Teens and young adults make up a large number of Americans who struggle with a substance use disorder.

Why do some teens give in to peer pressure and abuse drugs?

The majority of teens with substance abuse problems began using drugs or alcohol as a result of peer pressure. This pressure can happen in person or on social media. Kids often give in to peer pressure because they want to fit in.

They’re 2.63% more likely to use alcohol than the average American in their age group. 1.89% of all 12- to 17-year-olds met the criteria for AUD in the last year. 2.51% of all 12- to 17-year-olds met the criteria for IDUD in the last year. They’re 9.93% more likely to use alcohol than the average American in their age group.

General Demographics for Youth and Teen Substance Abuse in the U.S.

196,000 adults aged 18- to 25-year-old used drugs in the last month. 18.54% of all 12- to 17-year-olds report using marijuana in the last year. Teenagers in Oregon are 37.62% more likely to have used drugs in the last month than the average American teen. 134,000 adults aged 18- to 25-years-old used drugs in the last month. 11.23% of all 12- to 17-year-olds report using marijuana in the last year. Teenagers in Oklahoma are 10.10% less likely to have used drugs in the last month than the average American teen.

Parents can look out for many symptoms and signs to see if their teens are abusing drugs. But, it can be a bit challenging to decipher between actual drug use and the pangs of adolescence. Parents can find out what’s going on in their teen’s life simply by being proactive in talking with them.

Effects of Drugs on Developing Brains

Addiction itself is a reprogramming of impulse control, perceived necessities, and brain chemistry. The course of treatment for addiction depends on many factors, including the severity of the addiction, and if a teen is also suffering from a co-occurring condition that could be influencing their addiction. A teenage addiction patient may need to spend some time in a medical detox facility. Drug addicts are often terrified of losing access to their drug of choice because painful and distressing withdrawal symptoms will occur. Reassuring a teen that a medical detox facility will make the detox process more comfortable may encourage them to attend rehab voluntarily.

It’s the parent’s job to get the conversation going with their teen if they suspect they’re abusing drugs. Parents who think their teenager may be abusing drugs often don’t intervene, which can help prevent further drug abuse. Teenagers who have difficulties controlling their impulses have a higher risk of engaging in risky behaviors. Supportive family and outside intervention from a team of trained, experienced rehab specialist is the most effective and safest way to get a teenager help for addiction. If you’re concerned that your teenager is hooked on drugs, there is support and guidance available. Prenatal exposure to drugs or alcohol can put a teen at risk of future addiction disorder.

2.19% of all 12- to 17-year-olds met the criteria for AUD in the last year. 2.19% of all 12- to 17-year-olds met the criteria for IDUD in the last year. They’re 4.33% less likely to use alcohol than the average American in their age group. 2.93% of all 12- to 17-year-olds met the criteria for IDUD in the last year.

  • Conducting research on the topic of youth substance use and its association with a variety of risks and behaviors.
  • They’re 2.84% less likely to use alcohol than the average American in their age group.
  • It is prescription drugs, and it is profoundly affecting the lives of teenagers.
  • 11.56% of all 12- to 17-year-olds report using marijuana in the last year.
  • It causes a young person to have difficulty recognizing the negative consequences of their drug use.
  • Other examples of risky behavior may include driving under the influence, taking part in illegal activities, or risky use of social media.

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